How We’re Green
How We’re Green

With the largest database of green solutions for the restaurant industry, The Green Restaurant Association‘s mission is to shift the restaurant industry toward ecological sustainability. As a member of the GRA, here are some of the ways we have reduced Barcade’s environmental footprint:
• Green Power: Barcade operates using wind power provided by local wind farms or a mix
of wind and hydro power from regional providers. The power is delivered to us through
the standard electric grid by an alternative energy provider.
• Draft Only: Barcade only sells American-brewed craft beer and only on draft. By not
serving bottles and cans, the draft beer rotates quickly. Empty kegs are returned to the
breweries for cleaning and re-filling with no waste and far less energy consumed than
needed to recycle glass or aluminum. In addition, no single-use bottled or canned
beverages of any kind are available for sale. In addition, newer Barcade locations also
feature wine on draft, further reducing waste.
• Waste Reduction and Recycling: Recycling programs are in place at all locations for all
other recyclable materials including scrap metal and electronic waste. Low-flow faucets,
LED lighting fixtures and bulbs, occupancy sensors, hand dryers, and other high
efficiency appliances are in use.
• Sustainable Durable Goods & Building Materials: Many salvaged and recycled materials
are used during the construction process such as reclaimed wood, doors, windows, light
fixtures, and, of course, most of our arcade games are extremely vintage!
• Composting: Food waste comprises about half of a restaurant’s waste stream. Barcade
utilizes local composting companies to limit the amount of waste going into landfills.
Many of the disposables used on site are also compostable.
• Reusables & Environmentally Preferable Disposables: Barcade uses 100% compostable
and sustainable drinking straws and stirring straws, BPA-free receipt paper, corn-based
disposable utensils, deli paper made from recycled material, soy based wax,
biodegradable kraft paper food trays, bamboo cocktail skewers, environmentally
certified soaps, toilet paper made from 100% recycled material, and NO Styrofoam.
As a result of environmental initiatives taken at Barcade, we save the following amounts of energy, water, waste, and money annually.

Equivalent to taking 90.2 passenger vehicles off the road for one year.

Equivalent to over 128.9 backyard swimming pools.

The annual amount diverted from landfills through our waste diversion program.

The amount saved in energy and water bills during the year.